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Archive for stress


Stress – our response to unmet expectations or unforeseen challenges.

Why does it appear that some handle it with ease and it overwhelms others?

Well, while in some cases perception is not reality, the truth is that there are some people who can handle stress with ease, and some … not so well.  More “good” news?  Most of us tend to respond to stress in unhealthy ways. See if any of these habits ring a bell: using tobacco, drugs, alcohol, or food to excess; withdrawing or lashing out; attempting excessive control over others; the inability to accomplish much or the inability to stop and relax (workaholic).  Oops, that last one hurts. 🙂

Developing healthy coping skills for stress is very much an individual thing. What is a healthy response for one personality and situation can very easily be the opposite for another.  That is my disclaimer to this article, because I can guarantee you one thing: some of what I’m about to say will be the exact wrong thing for you.

With that in mind, handling, responding or coping with stress is a matter of taking charge – taking control. Respond to stress by taking control of your thoughts, emotions, and / or environment.

Change your situation
First, I would suggest you attempt to change your situation. Can you avoid the stressor?  Can you ‘Just say no”?  That might mean anything from working towards better time management to avoiding certain people, situations, or topics.

If you can’t avoid the stressor, can you alter the stressor?  You might need to be a little assertive but remember – its all about taking charge.  Try to express and compromise: express yourself, listen, and then try to alter the situation and / or work towards a common goal.

Change your reaction or response
This isn’t helping?  If you can’t avoid or change the situation, how about changing your reaction or response? Adapt to the stressor.  You may need to lower your standards or expectations; it might mean challenging yourself to find a positive in the situation.  Remember, only you can control your attitude.

And finally, when you are in the situation which adaption seems impossible, try to accept it. Share your struggles with a trusted friend and take time to relax. Develop a sense of humor. and remind yourself of the three most important things in your life. Hopefully the stressor is not going to be among those important things.

Much of this is “easier said than done”, and some of this is not for you.  In conclusion: if you struggle with stress often, and it is seriously impacting your health or your quality of life, ask for some professional help.  Give me a call or email me a note and we’ll work together to help you develop healthier responses to your particular situation.

Rick Russell, M.A.
Director, White County Community Counseling Services

IDA Strategic Mentor Coaching